DS Capital —

merges and acquisitions, equity and debt financing advisory services

"Independent Member of the Board of Directors" Service

Introduction of independent members into the Board of Directors allows both to ensure capitalisation growth due to the application of the traditional structure of corporate governance and to obtain an independent expert opinion about the company’s problems, as DS Capital employees involved in the corporate governance are always supported by our analytical team. 

Special attention should be paid to DS Capital expertise in the restructuring of distressed assets both of banks and  industrial enterprise.

An independent director is a member of the Board of Directors having no property relations with the company, except for the membership in the Board of Directors. The independent director from the team of DS Capital acts as an unbiased expert with experience and knowledge required for the opinion to be deferred to both by the Board of Directors and the owner. The work of independent members in the Board of Directors turns out to be especially efficient in operations with the distressed assets, since the expertise and skills of DS Capital team could be used to help the company to overcome the crisis. 

Nowadays the inclusion of such independent directors is not legally required, but is advised by the Code of Corporate Conduct. The idea is gaining ground. For instance, the Bank of the Russian Federation recommended banks to extend their boards of directors in such a manner. Availability of the independent directors is one of the requirements set by the Russian stock exchanges (RTS and MICEX) to issuers. Independent directors are considered to be an integral component of the proper corporate governance practice. Introduction of an independent director into your management allows the company to inform the market that it is ready to adhere to such practice, joining a higher business league.